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Skandinavisk Dyrepark.

Those who followed me for a while might know, those who are new may not:

Before I moved to Denmark I studied zookeeping/farming and entered the veterinary assistant study. While in school I actually worked in a zoo for a while. That's probably why I took my kids for a visit to almost every zoo here in Denmark. One of the zoos we visited more then once is Skandinavisk Dyrepark in Djursland. Not because it's the zoo with the most species of animals, or the zoo where you can pet every animal you see.

No, I actually love this zoo so much because of the space. They chose to only have animals that actually can be found in Scandinavia and give them lots and lots of space to live in. For example do the polar bears live on 26.000 square meters and the brown bears have an even bigger space with 2,5 hectares. I even joke about if I ever get to reincarnate as an animal in a zoo, it should be in Skandinavisk Dyrepark.

Now I hear you think: Why are you telling us this Katinka????

Well, I'll tell you.

For not so long ago I decided to be brave and write an email to the people behind Skandinavisk Dyrepark.

I asked nicely if they could be interested in having some of my works in their zoo. Boy, was I nervous for the answer, what if they thought my paintings were horrible and I just was a crazy lady?

But guess what? A few days later I had an answer and they wanted to meet me! And that meeting was today!!!! As it turned out I had been nervous for nothing and do now have an agreement with them to have some of my works out there the upcoming season! I will also be painting antlers again, this time with antlers from the deer from the zoo. This means I will have to work hard on painting a lot of Scandinavian animals before the of April, where Skandinavisk Dyrepark will open for season 2024. I am even planning on going to the zoo sometimes and paint there with the "live reference" animals in front of me. I am so excited!

At the bottom of this page you can see some photos of some of the lovely animals from Skandinavisk Dyrepark. Aren't they gorgeous? I can't wait to paint them!

I wish you all a happy day.

Greetings Katinka

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